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Metomic for Trello

Connect Metomic to your Trello account and start detecting sensitive data in minutes. Metomic's data security tool prevents data risks without getting in the way of people doing their jobs.

Trusted by SaaS enabled teams


Discover sensitive data in Trello, and address your critical risks

Detect sensitive data across your entire Trello account, and triage your risks to protect confidential information from data loss, leaks and breaches.

Customer data detected in TrelloCustomer data detected in Trello cards
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Hundreds of pre-built data classifiers

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Build your own custom classifiers

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Scan entire cards, including attachments

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Find critical risks from day one


Automatically secure sensitive data in Trello

Use Metomic's tried-and-tested policies and set up custom rules, to automate data redaction and retention without interrupting your employees' day.

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Data redaction, with retention periods

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Dynamic employee notifications

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Workflow-based policy setup

Remediating your risks in Trello Rules in action via the Metomic platform


What customers are saying about Metomic
It means we have openness about data sharing and security as part of our culture…we can confidently express to patients that we have an environment that is secure.
Data Protection Officer
UK HealthTech business


What is Trello DLP (Data Loss Prevention)?

Within the Trello workspace, colleagues may be sharing information such as customer details, trade secrets, and intellectual property, putting sensitive data at serious risk of exposure. Having a DLP tool in place can help protect and prevent the loss of sensitive data from Trello. 

A DLP tool will typically include features like access controls, data discovery, compliance measures, and reporting capabilities to help you monitor sensitive data sharing within Trello. 

These DLP measures aim to minimise the impact of data leaks or breaches, and enhance data security for the organisation. 

Why do I need DLP for Trello?

DLP for Trello is crucial for businesses who need to protect sensitive information - after all, you can’t protect what you can’t see. Understanding where sensitive data lives, and who has access to it, is a key element of data security, and particularly helpful for businesses that need to comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR, and HIPAA. 

Without a DLP tool in place, sensitive data can be sprawled throughout Trello, leaving a wide attack surface for malicious actors to take advantage of. A DLP tool can minimise the amount of data your company stores, reducing the amount of data an unauthorised user can access, and therefore the impact of a potential data breach. 

While Trello may feel like a safe space to share sensitive data, it remains a third-party app vulnerable to compromise. 

A DLP tool like Metomic can also help notify employees of sensitive data risks they are creating, helping to establish a Human Firewall of colleagues who understand where data should be stored, and where it shouldn’t.

Is Trello GDPR compliant?

Yes, Trello is GDPR compliant. As a tech company, they understand the need to protect their customers’ privacy, and have therefore taken steps to ensure compliance, such as committing to security measures required by GDPR, educating Trello employees on their responsibilities, and carrying out data impact assessments. 

However, the responsibility for GDPR compliance ultimately resides with your organisation, so you should take relevant measures to ensure compliance. For instance, minimising the data you store by using a data security tool such as Metomic.

Is Trello a security risk?

Like many other SaaS applications, Trello does carry security risks if it is configured incorrectly, or used inappropriately by employees. 

Implementing Trello into any business can be hugely beneficial for productivity levels, but security teams should be involved in the process to ensure security risks are kept to a minimum. 

Only authorised users should be allowed access to the platform, and boards that are only suitable for private use should be tightly controlled. Sensitive data should be restricted to ensure that a data breach of an organisation’s Trello environment would not result in customers, partners or employees facing the devastating impacts of identity theft. 

Employees using Trello should take the relevant precautions to ensure their Trello space is secure by setting a strong password, and enabling multi-factor authentication, while security teams should educate the wider workforce on data security policies to keep sensitive data as secure as possible. 

Book a demo

Our team of security experts are on hand to walk you through the platform and show you the impact it can have on your business.

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