Check if your Google Drive is leaking sensitive data

Discovery icon
See how secure your Google Drive account is in seconds
Workflow icon
Discover who still has access to your files, and who they were created by
Notification icon
Find risky files exposed publicly to anyone on the internet
After your scan is completed, we'll delete all collected data and remove our access permissions within 24 hours. We will not read any of your files' content at any time.

*Disclaimer: Our free-to-use Google Drive Risk Scanner recently underwent an upgrade, and as such, is being re-verified with Google. You're welcome to still use the scanner, all data is still handled with extreme care and we remove our access after 24 hours.
Google Drive report screenshot

See the data Google Drive doesn’t show you 

  • Personal data (PII)
  • Protected health information (PHI)
  • Payment card data (PCI)
  • Confidential data
  • Specific category data
  • Secrets, keys and passwords
Discovering healthcare records in Google Drive Close-up of healthcare records found in Google Drive
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See how our scanner detects sensitive data such as  Driving licenses, Credit card numbers and ID’s 
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